Entry Form

Young Poets Competition 2018

Enjoy writing? Have something to say? Why not try your hand –

for the chance to win:

Entry Form



1. There are three categories: age 7-9, age 10-12 and age 13-16.
2. Entrants must have the approval of a parent, guardian or teacher who gives their details
and can be contacted should the poet win a prize.
3. Poems must be the original, unaided work of the poet entering.
4. Poems must be between 10 and 35 lines excluding the title and line gaps.
5. Each poet may enter a maximum of two poems.
6. Poets must keep a second copy of the poem(s) submitted which they can bring to the award
ceremony if invited.
7. Poems must be submitted on A4 paper and may be hand-written or word processed.
8. The competition will be judged by members of Taunton’s own Fire River Poets.
The judges’ decisions will be final and no correspondence will be entered into about them.
9. Entries must be submitted by 23rd June. Winners will be contacted by 30th June.
10. Prize-winners in each age group will receive book tokens (First prize £15; Second Prize £10; Third
Prize £5) a journal, pen and two copies of the prize-winners’ anthology. In addition, 1st prize
winners will win meals from Pizza Express in Taunton (1st prize 4 mains and 4 starters, 2nd Prize 3
mains and 3 starters, and 3rd prize 2 mains and 2 starters). The three first-prize winners will also
receive a free creative writing workshop for their school, led by a professional writer. In addition, a
‘whole school’ prize will be awarded to reflect the best effort from a school as a whole.
11. All prize-winning and commended poets will be invited to an awards ceremony
on Wednesday 18th July at Taunton Library, where winning poems will be displayed, prizes will be
awarded and poets will have a chance to read their work.


Entry Form

Further enquiries: matt.bryden@gmail.com

fireriverpoets.org.uk  |  matt.bryden.co.uk  |  tauntonlive.co.uk

Click here to view the Young Poets Winning and Highly Commended Poems from the Five River Poets Website.