After the great success of the Schools’ Open Arts Competition of 2015, Taunton Live 2016, would like to give you advance warning of:
Open Visual Arts Competition 2016
This event will showcase 2D, 3D, and Photography work by students aged 14 – 19 who live in or attend school/college in Taunton Deane.
The competition features cash awards, certificates of merit and a public exhibition of selected entries at CICCIC, Memorial Hall, Paul Street, Taunton TA1 3PF
Entry forms, dates for submission and dates for delivery of work will follow shortly, but will be arranged to fit around GCSE exam/coursework deadlines and so on.
Competition Details
The Taunton Live Arts Competition will accept entries for:
2D: painting, drawing, printmaking, mixed media, collage
3D: ceramics, sculpture, jewellery, construction
Eligibility and Rules
All students aged 14-19, living in or attending school/college in Taunton Deane are invited to participate. Students may submit only one art piece per category, but may enter more than one category.
Artwork must be created while the student attends school/college. During the registration process, students will be asked to list their teacher’s name for artwork that was created in class during school/college sessions. We want to acknowledge the contribution of Art Teachers on behalf of our students and community. Artwork that was created outside of school may be submitted as long as the work was done while attending school/college.
Entry Forms
Entry forms will be forwarded shortly to all Schools and Colleges in Taunton Deane so that advance notice of intention to submit work can be given. Please note that the date for entries is not the date for submission of work.
Judges/Judging Criteria
An independent panel of judges with experience in (practicing, teaching, or representing) the categories will judge the competition. The criteria used for judging are:
Creativity and originality
Degree of expertise in the chosen medium
Private View and Awards
A private view at which prizes will be presented will be held at the exhibition venue, on Wednesday July 13th 2016 (6-9pm.) Cash prizes will be awarded for the best in each category.
Gallery Details
Entries accepted for the competition will be on display for public viewing between 13th and 23rd July 2016 at CICCIC, Memorial Hall, Paul Street, Taunton TA1 3PF.
CICCIC will be open to the public between 9.30am and 4pm, Mon-Sat.
Important: Artwork Preparation
Remember that your art will be displayed at a professional art exhibition; therefore presentation and preparation is important.
All 2D work should be fixed with D-rings about one third of the way down with string for hanging and be clearly labelled with name of artist, school attended, title of work, medium and price (if for sale).
Many thanks for taking the time to read this advance notice – further details regarding submission of entry forms and delivery of work for hanging will follow as soon as these have been finalised, but I wanted to make sure you were all aware of our intention to run the competition again this summer.
Please do not hesitate to contact me (email is easiest) should you wish to know any more about the competition or Taunton Live 2016.
Liz Hutchin
Schools’ Coordinator
Go Create & Taunton Live
Email :
Call: 01823 321325 / 07730605193