For 2017 there will be competitions and projects covering the whole age range from YR-Y13, (ages 4-19years) culminating in curated exhibitions at The Brewhouse between 12th-29th July, with private viewing, prizes and recognition of participation on July 12th. (See separate information for competitions for secondary age students)

Primary School Project:

YR-Y6 (ages 4-11) free-to-schools workshops for Primary Schools to generate a range of artworks for the festival, with the emphasis firmly placed on involving the children in the creative journey from ideas to end product.

Teachers will be supported with planning meetings and presenting to staff meetings, examples for expanding ideas, introductory sessions with children, skills development sessions and so on…and as a bare minimum, I will offer one presentation and one workshop with children to each participating school, however, with our limited funding, like last year I will be happy to do extra sessions at the greatly reduced rate of £100 per day, as long as ‘days in my diary are available’!

The Primary Projects will be focusing on identity and will celebrate the diversity of culture in Somerset, with a theme of ‘Washing Lines’ tying the work together and creating a way of displaying the resulting artwork. I would like to encourage the children of Somerset to create their “Life-story” lines – for a class it could be the story of their class – how all of the children combine in their individuality, to make the whole class….What is special about you?
‘Blowing in the Wind’ seems like a good title and it is intended that work will be in any medium, and any size/scale… I aim to encourage recycling – the use of ‘found’ materials, re-purposed objects, as well as drawings, paintings, printing…. The emphasis would be very much on the ‘creative journey’, taking the children from initial ideas through selecting, developing and experimenting with techniques and learning new skills, before producing their ‘washing line’…

We have already held an information meeting for primary teachers on March 21st which was attended by several representatives from Taunton Deane Primary Schools and five of these schools have dates already booked in for their visits and workshops!
I am more than happy to visit your school and discuss the possibilities but please act soon – call me – as spaces are filling up quickly!

Looking forward to working with you…

Liz Hutchin

Schools’ Coordinator – Go Create

Co-organiser – Taunton Live 2017 / 07730605193